Additional Particulars Script

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Additional Particulars Script



SKU: 1433 Category:


The intersecting lives of four ‘Save-a-Bundle Discount Mart’ employees are explored in Additional Particulars. In the first act, Glenda Balitski, an optimistic but lonely young woman who works in housewares, has recently moved into her tidy apartment after the death of her invalid mother. Assistant Manager Warren Grippo, a generous but awkward man of unflagging good manners, has unexpectedly dropped by Glenda’s apartment after work. After the lonely couple discovers a shared enthusiasm for the corporate ideals of ‘Save-a-Bundle,’ Warren reveals that Glenda has been chosen ‘Employee of the Month…’ and confesses his desire to discuss with her some ‘additional particulars’ of a more personal nature. Meanwhile, Raymond Fetterman, a maintenance man and himself a former ‘Employee of the Month’ is having lunch with his young friend and co-worker, Kenny Hinkle. It is the eve of Raymond’s 47th birthday, he’s trapped in a job he hates, and Raymond has come to the painful realization that time is quickly running out on his chances of ‘having a life.’ As Raymond desperately yearns to escape the monotony of his life, the good-natured Kenny sympathetically listens…and harbors a heartbreaking secret of his own.

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Weight 0.1 kg