Antigone (Roberts) Script

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Antigone (Roberts) Script



SKU: 1610 Category:


A civil war has ended. Will there be peace or new rebellion The question is asked by the Chorus. What if your family, your friends, everyone you cared about begged you to change your mind, begged you to be silentebe safe What if your life was in danger because of a decision you made, an action you decided to take Would you be willing to die for taking that action Or would you refuse the responsibility of making that decision Taking that action The Chorus, not just bystanders but entities hoping to influence the outcome, speak not only to the audience but also directly to the timeless characters of Antigone. Each chorus member argues the side of one of the characters, hoping, this time, to bring understanding and peace to the war-torn land. There are no heroes, no villains here. Only individuals who face the choice: should I do what I feel is right Or should I stay silent and safe This adaptation can be set anywhere there is civil strife, or civil wareancient Greece, modern America, a medieval castle, turn of the 20th century Ireland, the inner city, the future, any time and place that speaks to you. The possibilities are endless for staging and setting this timeless story. Area staging. Approximate running time: 55 minutes.

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Weight 0.1 kg