Cabo San Lucas Script

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Cabo San Lucas Script


9780573663147 / CABO SAN LUCAS

SKU: 1292 Category:


Cabo San Lucas is a romantic comedy about two misfits and a postal employee who turn an apartment upside down while searching for love, courage and something to sell on Ebay. Two men break into a house and start grabbing everything they can. Little do they know that they’re not alone. It seems that the owner, a young woman whose fiancé just left her, has taking a fistful of sleeping pills with some booze and is trying to sleep away her troubles for good under a blanket on the couch. When she’s discovered, she’s so discombobulated that it takes her a while to figure out that she’s being robbed. When she does discover it, she doesn’t really care (she was just killing herself anyway). It turns out that while the one crook is a hardened criminal, the other is just a nice guy who happened to have a gun and who has been manipulated by the other one. The nice guy is horrified when he finds out that she’s trying to kill herself. The bad guy takes off with the loot, but the good one stays behind and calls 911. In the midst of Grace’s attempted suicide being thwarted by two house burglars, there are many comedic opportunities. And although funny, Cabo San Lucas has substance and truth that will make anyone feel for our human condition and frailty.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg