Cheaters Script

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Cheaters Script



SKU: 1761 Category:


Someone cheated on the test. And if the cheater doesnet confess, the entire class will fail. Those are the rules set out by the assistant principal and their teacher as the students walk out of the room. Now the entire class is forced to play detective and discover the cheater before ites too late. But what if everything isnet as it seems Who are the liars and who is telling the truth Was the cheater working alone Was there more than one And how can they possibly get a confession With the pressure on, the class fragments into warring factions with each student trying to figure out the mystery. But with each revelation of cheating, the fissures grow wider, and the simple act of trying to discover the truth might rip the entire class apart. A Kafka-esque nightmare of betrayal and conflict under extreme circumstances. Area staging. Approximate running time: 40 minutes.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg