Christabel and the Amazing Pedal Power Challenge Script

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Christabel and the Amazing Pedal Power Challenge Script



SKU: 1772 Category:


Feisty 14-year-old Christabel loves working backstage on the lighting crew. As she stands on a 20-foot extension ladder finishing lights for her school’s spring production, she loses her balance, misses a rung on the ladder and steps into thin air. Weeks later, awakening from a coma, her legs don’t move. Despite multiple surgeries, Christabel is paralyzed from the waist down. Though she is surrounded by the support of her family and friends, Christabel is discouraged and embittered and believes her life is over. Her therapists insist that she can do almost everything, but she must want to succeed. Bud, her physical therapist, convinces her to enter the annual wacky eight-hour Pedal Power Challenge to race his newly designed all-terrain seven-wheeled vehicle, and she begins training. On the day of the event, her school’s marching band and cheerleaders send her off in style! Christabel crosses the sand dunes and proudly sails across the dangerous inlet. A malfunction with a lever in the vehicle sets her back, but she is determined to finish the race. As she crosses the finish line, Christabel realizes a whole new life is just beginning. Area staging. Approximate running time: 90 minutes.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg