Dances of Death Script

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Dances of Death Script


9781848423404 / DANCES OF DEATH

SKU: 7504 Category:


A gripping new version of Strindberg’s masterly, darkly hilarious depiction of the struggles and strains of marriage.

Meet Edgar and Alice. Married for almost thirty years, theirs is a relationship of mutual explosive loathing. Strindberg’s tale paints a compelling and bitterly funny portrait of a magnificently doomed couple, whose ongoing battle threatens not only their future, but that of their friends and children as well.

Howard Brenton’s Dances of Death includes both Part One and the rarely performed Part Two of this masterpiece of European theatre, condensed into a single two-act drama. The play premiered at the Gate Theatre, London, in May 2013.

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Weight 0.1 kg