Different Way Home, A Script

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Different Way Home, A Script


9780573018121 / DIFFERENT WAY HOME, A

SKU: 5398 Category:


In this deeply moving and astutely observed play, we hear two monologues from two members of a family in a small, closely-knit, North of England town. In Act I, Leslie who has lived with his mother all of his life, narrates the events leading up to her death, unwittingly revealing the extent of his loss and the bitterness towards his sister, Maureen, who lives nearby but is not in touch.

In Act II, we learn from Maureen that Leslie succumbed to his grief and excluded her, and we hear her side of the story — feeling rejected by her family and friends because she married a Jew, she feels betrayed for not being asked to help when needed.

The two voices convey the need for families to communicate, and for love to transcend prejudice.

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Weight 0.1 kg