Elephant Sighs Script

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Elephant Sighs Script


9780573697326 / ELEPHANT SIGHS

SKU: 1132 Category:


Not long after moving to the small town of Randolphsburg, PA, uptight lawyer Joel Bixby is invited by Leo Applegate, an avuncular fast food connoisseur, to join a group of townsmen who meet in a ramshackle room at the edge of town. Despite protesting that he’s just not an organizational man, Joel finds himself mesmerized by Leo’s ebullient manner and agrees to drop by – without ever asking just what exactly it is the group actually does.  Joel’s confusion only increases as, one by one, he meets the group’s surviving members who include Dink, a perpetually gleeful little man who deeply loves his bald-headed wife; insurance man Perry, a former minister in the midst of a painful crisis of faith; and Nick, a volatile contractor who has recently lost his job and family and is desperately looking for some kind of miracle. As an increasingly anxious Joel is swept up in the strange lives of the guys, he struggles to figure out exactly why they’ve all come together. As the evening progresses, however, the regulars – and newcomer Joel – grapple with their own disappointments, offer comfort to each other, and, in the process, finally reveal the mysterious reason for their gathering. A group of delightful characters highlight this comedy about loss, loneliness, and the healing power of friendship.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg