Ella Hickson Plays: One Script

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Ella Hickson Plays: One Script


9781848427532 / ELLA HICKSON PLAYS: ONE

SKU: 8165 Category:


When her first play, Eight, transferred from student theatre in Edinburgh to the West End and then New York, Ella Hickson was still in her early twenties. She has since built on that promise with a series of engaged and engaging dramas that pit romanticism and optimism against the realities of life as a young person in Britain.

Eight (Edinburgh Fringe, 2008), that astonishing first success, is included here: a state-of-the-nation group portrait in monologues, “an interactive Talking Heads for 21st-century teens and twentysomethings” (Independent).

Also included is Hot Mess (Edinburgh Fringe, 2010), a dark and lyrical tale about twins born with just a single heart between them, and Precious Little Talent (Edinburgh Fringe, 2009

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Weight 0.1 kg