Flamingo Court Script

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Flamingo Court Script


9780573696114 / FLAMINGO COURT

SKU: 1083 Category:


This three part ‘slice of life’ takes place in three different condos and has audiences laughing at the truth they see in what might be their own neighbors – only zanier. Flamingo Court has ten characters. In the New York production, five actors played all the roles. Producers may want to follow the above pattern, or cast up to ten actors. In any case, audiences respond to this trilogy with uproarious laughter and leave feeling they have experienced great entertainment.
Angelina, in 104, is a Neil-Simonesque three-character piece that starts with smiles and grows into a hilarious, audience-howling ending.
Clara, in 204, is the shortest piece (ten to twelve minutes). It deals with two characters in a poignant look at the problems of aging and separation. Powerful theater!
Harry, in 304, a five character play – and the wackiest – deals with an eighty-nine year-old gentleman who is battling his greedy daughter at the same time that he gets involved with an aging hooker. When the daughter and the hooker meet ‘the audience laughs up a Florida-worthy hurricane!’ (John Simon, Bloomberg News)

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg