In the Tank Script

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In the Tank Script



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Whates it like to be peered at by hungry humans Studied like a microbe under a glass tab chosen to be someonees dinner entree Such is the predicament of Harry and Stu (or Liz and Angela), two lobsters who find themselves in the tank of a seafood restaurant. Harry is a crustacean whoes been around the tank a few times. Hees cleverly devised a edeade act. Frozen in position, starey-eyed, claws rigidly akimbo, the edeade pose is meant to ward off hungry diners and send them scurrying off to order the stuffed flounder or the filet of sole. Enter Stu, a lobster of a more philosophical bent. When Harry explains the rationale behind his act, Stu observes, eIf you spend all your time acting like youere dead, whates the point of being alivee Harryes not exactly a deep thinker, but he knows that if he doesnet try to fool the humans on the other side of the glass, heell end up in the stewpot or the broiler; people are the ones who hold the dreaded tongs. But Stu reveals a little-known theory: humans are in a tank, too, and they face their own risks. They wonet end up impaled on little forks, but they sometimes do stupid things that bring about their own destruction. Unlike animals empowered by instinct, humans must choose. For some, Stu says, ites a recipe for disaster. Why Because theyere afraid. The lobsters consider the idea that humans are really afraid of them. Maybe thates why people keep them bound up in rubber bands. So whates going to happen to the two priciest items on the menu eNone there be can rehearse the whole tale,e says Stu, quoting a line from a Dead Sea Scroll. eOne thinges certain,e Harry says. eIf the day ever comes when lobsters have dominion over people …. theyere going to need an awful lot of rubber bands.e Bare stage. Approximate running time: 25 minutes.

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Weight 0.1 kg