Ordinary People Script

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Ordinary People Script



SKU: 2586 Category:


Conrad Jarrett had an older brother named Buck, and now Buck is gone. Whates left of young Conrades family, with his successful, well-intentioned father and his beautiful, organized and remote mother, is in terrible jeopardy, as is Conrad himself. They are all eordinary peoplee and each is fighting a hard battle. This play goes to the essence of a young man, his friends and family, their relationships and survival. We consider this full-length play to be an extraordinary opportunity for your cast, as each role has a rich texture and purpose that will challenge and stretch your actors. A critic from The New York Times summed up, eThe anxiety, despair and joy that is common to every human experience e if Conrad and his family are ordinary people, why then so are we all.e One int. set. Approximate running time: 1 hour, 40 minutes.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg