Sleeping Beauties, The Script

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Sleeping Beauties, The Script


9780573111945 / SLEEPING BEAUTIES, THE

SKU: 5270 Category:


Children have been banned. By order of the king. No one is to have a child until the queen herself is pregnant. So when the queen’s servant and best friend Rose finds herself with child it is up to the two of them to find a way out. Even if it means making a bargain with the dark forces of the forest.

And so all is well with the world until the queen and Rose’s secret pact comes back to haunt them and both their daughters are doomed to die on their 15th birthday. 

An imaginative rebooting of the original tale, The Sleeping Beauties is a story of friendship that spans a thousand years and asks what is true beauty in a world where looks are only skin deep and can so easily be replaced.

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Weight 0.1 kg