The Gravedigger’s Lullaby Script

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The Gravedigger’s Lullaby Script



SKU: 6361 Category:


Baylen is a gravedigger, a working-class man trying to keep food on the table in a world where other people make the rules. His wife, Margot, helps to make ends meet by doing laundry, but they’re slipping further behind with each passing minute.

The extremity of their situation is being further challenged by the new baby who cries and cries, night and day. But still Baylen goes on, digging one hole at a time for the pennies he brings home, trying to keep his family afloat. His workdays are spent with his best friend and fellow gravedigger, Gizzer, the little brother he never had. He seems trapped, but he’s making the best of it.

A chance encounter with Charles Timmens, a rich young man, brings the possibility of changing everything, though. Is a better life possible? If Baylen can keep his mouth shut and not challenge the young man’s opinions about money and happiness, maybe it is. But keeping his mouth shut has never been Baylen’s strong suit. And if he can’t, the next hole he digs may be his own. Torn between his struggle to bring home more money and find some peace in a home that is never quiet, Baylen is pushed to the edge and very possibly over it.

The Gravedigger’s Lullaby is a bold and gripping contemporary drama about a time that has passed. And how little things have changed.

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Weight 0.1 kg