The Tale That Wagged the Dog Script

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The Tale That Wagged the Dog Script



SKU: 2971 Category:


The International Thespian Society and Dramatics magazine gave first prize to this comedy. In it, Johann Strauss, The Waltz King, is visiting Boston on an American tour and the ladies are agog. Rudolph, the composer’s valet, is doing a thriving business selling locks of the maestro’s hair. However, the hair is coming from Strauss’ little dog Bobo! One after another the young women invade the hotel suite. They are determined to have a lock of their idol’s hair. They threaten, bribe and cajole Rudolph. How the lighthearted Rudolph deals with each and ultimately triumphs over the unromantic dictates of his shrewish wife, who is determined to end the deception, makes this short play an utter delight. One int. set. Approximate running time: 30 minutes.

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Weight 0.1 kg