The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf Script

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The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf Script



SKU: 3084 Category:


The Wolf: villain or victim The Three Pigs: innocent or at fault The Jurors (Miss Muffet, Bo Peep, Cinderella and Humpty-Dumpty, to name a few): solid citizens or characters with a past And what about Judge Wise O. Al Is justice on his sideeor does he have a secret to hide Then therees the mediaea reporter, newscaster and town crier. Have they come to accurately report the proceedingseor to turn the courtroom into a media circus And who is that surprise witness at the end The answers to these profound questions and even more are revealed once and for all in this rollicking, fun-filled, action-packed trial-of-the-century. Just as he did in the widely produced Trial of Goldilocks, Joseph Robinette examines the guilt, or innocence, of the accused from different points of view and comes up with a surprising, yet eminently satisfying, conclusion in which no one escapes unscathed. And, as a bonus, a lesson or two is learned along the way. It all ends happily ever after, of course, with the newly bonded Wolf and Pigs along with the fairy-tale jury and all the others heading for a post-trial party at the castle of Old King Cole. The play may be performed by children, adults or a combination of both. A true ensemble piece, this delightful comedy, with its intriguing story line and vivid characterizations, will appeal to audiences and performers of all ages. One simple set. Approximate running time: 1 hour.

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Weight 0.1 kg