The Underground Venus Script

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The Underground Venus Script



SKU: 3133 Category:


Mark Twain enjoyed writing short stories that smiled at human foibles, and this clever romp is no exception. Penniless sculptor George Arnold is distraught because he can’t marry his sweetheart Mary Morgan unless he has $50,000.00 in the bank, a condition insisted upon by Mary’s dragon of a mother who is wintering in Italy where George lives. George’s law student friend comes up with a wacky scheme to ensure the wedding will take place. Using his knowledge of Italian jurisprudence, he chops up George’s marble statue entitled Columbia and buries it in a plot of land he buys for the unsuspecting artist. Months later, when the pieces are exhumed and joined together, the authorities are certain they’ve unearthed a statute of the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty’Venus. Obviously, the statue was created centuries ago by some long-forgotten sculptor! Soon George’s studio is invaded by tradespeople eager to extend credit and a government official with a large check. Will the hoax be exposed Light, funny and fast-paced’certain to please your audience. Bare stage w/props.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg