Three Hundred and One Script

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Three Hundred and One Script



SKU: 3026 Category:


Rose is bowling the game of her lifeebut will her marriage survive it Her husband, Bobby, is already struggling with an inferiority complex over her latest promotion, and out-bowling him isn’t going to help. As Rose and Bobby try to work through their problems, all the growing pains of a new marriage emerge with a comic twist. Helped (and sometimes hindered) by their friends and teammates, Rose’s quest for the perfect game runs headlong into her desire for the perfect marriage. Three Hundred and One explores gender roles, relationships and the ups and downs of success with a fast-moving story and rapid-fire dialogue. It entertains while leaving the audience with something to think about. Its varied roles and ideal running time make it a perfect choice for competitions, festivals or just a good time at the theater. Unit set. Approximate running time: 35 minutes.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg