Three Spinning Fairies Script

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Three Spinning Fairies Script



SKU: 3032 Category:


Belinda, our heroine, wants to marry the prince, but the queen will allow her son to be wed only to a girl who can spin. Alas, Belinda has never bothered to learn the art of spinning. Locked in the dungeon with a spinning wheel and a gargantuan mound of flax to test her skill, she bursts into tears. Just when it all seems lost, three delightful but terribly ugly spinning fairies appear. A pact is made. The fairies will spin in return for places of honor at the wedding table. When the wedding day arrives, the palace is in an uproar as Belinda’s conscience gets the best of her and she tells the truth. Then the spinning fairies tell a tale of their own. This is a play with a heroine that all children can understand. Bare stage w/props.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg